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Guide Tour

Audio Guide Rental

  • 1. Provide Mandarin and English exhibition contents for adults and children. Visitors can choose the audio-on-demand the description of the artifacts that interest them on the trip.

  • 2. Rental point: Information Counter in first-floor lobby.

  • 3. Rent: NT$50/unit.

Scheduled Guide Tours

  • 1. Sessions: 09:30, 10:30, 14:30, and 15:30, 60 minutes each.

  • 2. Description: Scheduled guide tours are available on each business day. The actual schedule and content of guide tours are subject to the onsite announcements. Visitors can book a guided tour onsite.

Group Guide Tour Booking

  • 1. Each group must have 20 or more members. Booking must be made over the phone from three months to one week before the date of visit, until the vacancy lasts.

  • 2. After successfully booking a group guide tour, visitors should arrive at the site 10 minutes in advance. Tardiness by over 10 minutes will be considered as the cancellation of a guide tour. If a schedule change or cancellation of the group guide tour is required, please notify the NMP two days before the booking.

  • 3. Service hotline: (06) 505-0905 ext. 8101 or 8102.